The Museum welcomes staff from the Office for Spirituality and Meaning-Making and the Gender Equity Resource Center for the first event in their new “Divine Dialogues” collaborative series. Both this program and the series are free and open to all.
Mary, mother of Christ, is abundantly and significantly present in many different forms in the current exhibition Colonial Crossings: Art, Identity, and Belief in the Spanish Americas. Adaptations of her name and image demonstrate the presence of Spanish Catholicism in Indigenous communities through the lens of a singular female figure. By assuming hyperlocal identities and a miraculous reputation, Mary becomes both a tool of evangelization and a personal spiritual protector.
The “Divine Dialogues” series is a new collaboration between the Office for Spirituality and Meaning-Making and the Gender Equity Resource Center that will offer events exploring the intersection between gender and spirituality through a variety of formats and topics around campus.