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Leonard Baskin Three with Pierced and Stitched Eyelids (Purgatorio, Canto 13, line 69) Leonard Baskin Thomas Aquinas (Paradiso, Canto 10, line 99) Leonard Baskin It Is Those with Which My Eye Glows in My Head That Are of Highest Rank (Paradiso, Canto 20, lines 35-36) Leonard Baskin A Lady, Olive-garlanded above a Veil of White (Purgatorio, Canto 30, lines 31-32) Leonard Baskin Birdman Leonard Baskin Owl (Device for The Gehenna Press) Leonard Baskin Apollo Leonard Baskin Self-portrait, Age 42 Leonard Baskin Souls in Purgatory 2 (Purgatorio, Canto 24, lines 25-26) Leonard Baskin An Eagle in the Heavens (Purgatorio, Canto 9, lines 18-19) Leonard Baskin St. Bernard (Paradiso, Canto 32, line 2) Leonard Baskin Athena’s Shield Leonard Baskin Souls Enwoven (Paradiso, Canto 19, lines 1-2) Leonard Baskin Prometheus Bound Leonard Baskin The Cry Leonard Baskin Saint Anthony with Red Monster Leonard Baskin Dog in the Meadow Leonard Baskin The Great Teasel Leonard Baskin Wreath Leonard Baskin Teasel Leonard Baskin Ram’s Skull, from The Hippolytos Leonard Baskin Baskin’s Iris (proof in black) Leonard Baskin Thistle and Blue Flower (proof in olive and yellow) Leonard Baskin Patriarch/Oedipus at Colonus Leonard Baskin Castle Street Dogs Leonard Baskin Aeneas Carrying his Father from the Ruins of Troy Leonard Baskin Hidatsa Medicine Man Leonard Baskin Thomas Eakins Leonard Baskin Swift Dog/Standing Rock Sioux Leonard Baskin Blake, from Life Mask by Deville, from Blake and the Youthful Ancients Leonard Baskin Torment Leonard Baskin The Humpback Leonard Baskin Jan Lievens Leonard Baskin Angel of Death Leonard Baskin Thistle and Yellow Flower (proof in blue and green) Leonard Baskin Wreath Leonard Baskin Five Artists’ Portraits from Blake and the Youthful Ancients Leonard Baskin Page thirty-four, from A Poem Called the Tunning of Elynour Rummynge Leonard Baskin Odilon Redon, from Laus Pictorum, Portraits of Nineteenth Century Artists Leonard Baskin Garland, from The Hippolytos Leonard Baskin Pedro Cajete Leonard Baskin Baskin’s Teasel Leonard Baskin Sitting Bull Leonard Baskin Chief Wets It-Assinnboine Leonard Baskin Hung Leonard Baskin Saturn Leonard Baskin Iris For Lisa Leonard Baskin The Funeral, for Flaubert’s St. Julien the Hospitaller Leonard Baskin Rampant Beast Leonard Baskin Mandrill, from A Little Book of Natural History Leonard Baskin Green Stem and Purple Flowers (proof in black) Leonard Baskin Leader Leonard Baskin Sharp Nose – Arapaho Leonard Baskin The Scream Leonard Baskin The Great Bird Man Leonard Baskin Flea, from A Little Book of Natural History Leonard Baskin The Cry Leonard Baskin Man of Peace Leonard Baskin Birdman with Spread Wings Leonard Baskin Red Flower (proof in black) Leonard Baskin George Minne, from Laus Pictorum, Portraits of Nineteenth Century Artists Leonard Baskin Birdman Leonard Baskin Phaedra Hanged, from The Hippolytos Leonard Baskin The Hydrogen Man Leonard Baskin Spies on His Enemies/Crow Leonard Baskin Torso Leonard Baskin The Cry Leonard Baskin Death Bearing Angel Leonard Baskin Baskin’s Iris Leonard Baskin Thistle and Blue Flower (proof in black) Leonard Baskin Untitled (Safari) Leonard Baskin Man with Forsythia Leonard Baskin Artemis, from The Hippolytos Leonard Baskin Euripides, from The Hippolytos Leonard Baskin Renaissance Man Leonard Baskin The Hydrogen Man Leonard Baskin Death of the Laureate Leonard Baskin Garland, from The Hippolytos Leonard Baskin Three Heads Leonard Baskin Pictor Ignotus, from Laus Pictorum, Portraits of Nineteenth Century Artists Leonard Baskin Red Flower Leonard Baskin Thomas Eakins Leonard Baskin Lust, from The Seven Deadly Sins Leonard Baskin Blake, an Imagined Death Mask, from Blake and the Youthful Ancients Leonard Baskin Load More