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Looking out of Phantom Chamber in Witches’ Gulch (from the series: Wanderings among the Wonders and Beauties of Wisconsin Scenery)
Henry Hamilton Bennett
Phantom Chamber in Witches’ Gulch (from the series: Wanderings among the Wonders and Beauties of Wisconsin Scenery)
Henry Hamilton Bennett
Up the Gorge in Witches’ Gulch (from the series: Wanderings among the Wonders and Beauties of Wisconsin Scenery)
Henry Hamilton Bennett
Stand Rock from the south west (from the series: Wanderings among the Wonders and Beauties of Wisconsin Scenery)
Henry Hamilton Bennett
The Ragged Point just below Steamboat Rock (from the series: Wanderings among the Wonders and Beauties of Wisconsin Scenery)
Henry Hamilton Bennett
Cold Water Canyon, looking up from inside the Jug (from the series: Wanderings among the Wonders and Beauties of Wisconsin Scenery)
Henry Hamilton Bennett
A Visit to Devil’s Lake: Cleopatra’s Needle in Wonder Notch (from the series: Wanderings among the Wonders and Beauties of Wisconsin Scenery)
Henry Hamilton Bennett
Whirlpool Chamber in Cold Water Canyon (from the series: Wanderings among the Wonders and Beauties of Wisconsin Scenery)
Henry Hamilton Bennett
Cold Water Canyon, towards the Jug from above (from the series: Wanderings among the Wonders and Beauties of Wisconsin Scenery)
Henry Hamilton Bennett
Devil’s Lake and Vicinity: Doorway and Lake beyond (from the series: Wanderings among the Wonders and Beauties of Wisconsin Scenery)
Henry Hamilton Bennett
Cold Water Canyon — towards the Jug from the west (from the series: Wanderings among the Wonders and Beauties of Wisconsin Scenery)
Henry Hamilton Bennett