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December, from the series The Twelve Months or Different Occupations of Man During the Year
Charles Etienne Delaune
March, from the series The Twelve Months or Different Occupations of Man During the Year
Charles Etienne Delaune
November, from the series The Twelve Months or Different Occupations of Man During the Year
Charles Etienne Delaune
February, from the series The Twelve Months or Different Occupations of Man During the Year
Charles Etienne Delaune
July, from the series The Twelve Months or Different Occupations of Man During the Year
Charles Etienne Delaune
August, from the series The Twelve Months or Different Occupations of Man During the Year
Charles Etienne Delaune
September, from the series The Twelve Months or Different Occupations of Man During the Year
Charles Etienne Delaune
October, from the series The Twelve Months or Different Occupations of Man During the Year
Charles Etienne Delaune
January, from the series The Twelve Months or Different Occupations of Man During the Year
Charles Etienne Delaune
May, from the series The Twelve Months or Different Occupations of Man During the Year
Charles Etienne Delaune
June, from the series The Twelve Months or Different Occupations of Man During the Year
Charles Etienne Delaune
April, from the series The Twelve Months or Different Occupations of Man During the Year
Charles Etienne Delaune