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Plate I, Le Chef d’Oeuvre Inconnu; Sculpteur Devant sa Sculpture [The Painter, Model, Female Figure and Sculptured Head]
Pablo Picasso
Plate VI, Le Chef d’Oeuvre Inconnu; Peintre Chauve Devant son Chevalet [Bald Painter in front of his Easel]
Pablo Picasso
Plate XII, Le Chef d’Oeuvre Inconnu; Peintre Devant son Chevalet [Painter Before the Easel]
Pablo Picasso
Plate VII, Le Chef d’Oeuvre Inconnu; Le Peintre Ramassant son Pinceau [The painter picking up his paint brush]
Pablo Picasso
Minotaur Contemplating a Sleeping Woman (Minotaure contemplant amoureusement une dormeuse)
Pablo Picasso
Marie-Therese in the Bath (recto), and collage with girl holding beach ball, and sketches of fish and birds (verso)
Pablo Picasso
Camera Work., Special Number
Alfred Stieglitz, Paul Cézanne, Pablo Picasso, Francis Picabia, Vincent van Gogh