
A concrete cantilevered building against blue sky and green landscaping

A large green wall with oil paintings in gold frames above a tiled floor

A museum interior space with paintings and concrete walls and stairs

A concrete-walled lobby with windows, a tiled floor, and a circular desk

The top of a concrete spiral staircase with a wooden railing

A tall tree is the focal point of a garden in between two concrete buildings

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A concrete cantilevered building against blue sky and green landscaping

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The Johnson Museum holds more than 40,000 works in its collection from around the world.

A large green wall with oil paintings in gold frames above a tiled floor

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A museum interior space with paintings and concrete walls and stairs

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A concrete-walled lobby with windows, a tiled floor, and a circular desk

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The top of a concrete spiral staircase with a wooden railing

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A tall tree is the focal point of a garden in between two concrete buildings

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Que se rompe la cuerda (May the rope break), Plate 77 of

Que se rompe la cuerda (May the rope break), Plate 77 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Lo mismo en otras partes (The same thing elsewhere), Plate 23 of

Lo mismo en otras partes (The same thing elsewhere), Plate 23 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

introduction (in spanish) to the original edition of

introduction (in spanish) to the original edition of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Enterrar y callar (Bury them and keep quiet),  Plate 18 of

Enterrar y callar (Bury them and keep quiet), Plate 18 of “The Disasters of War”, 1863

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Que Valor! (What Courage!), Plate 7 of

Que Valor! (What Courage!), Plate 7 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Escapan entre las llamas (They escape through the flames), Plate 41 of

Escapan entre las llamas (They escape through the flames), Plate 41 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Andalusian Smuggler

Andalusian Smuggler

Francisco José de Goya

Lo mismo (The same thing), Plate 3 of

Lo mismo (The same thing), Plate 3 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Ya no hay tiempo, Plate 19 of

Ya no hay tiempo, Plate 19 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Se defiende bien (He defends himself well), Plate 78 of

Se defiende bien (He defends himself well), Plate 78 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Bobalicon (Big Booby)

Bobalicon (Big Booby)

Francisco José de Goya

Disparate Pobre (Poor folly)

Disparate Pobre (Poor folly)

Francisco José de Goya

Modo de Volar (Way of flying)

Modo de Volar (Way of flying)

Francisco José de Goya

Se aprovechan (They avail themselves), Plate #16 to The Disasters of War., 1863

Se aprovechan (They avail themselves), Plate #16 to The Disasters of War., 1863

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Fuerte cosa es! (This is too much!), Plate 31 of

Fuerte cosa es! (This is too much!), Plate 31 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

La Lealtad (Loyalty)

La Lealtad (Loyalty)

Francisco José de Goya

Qué hai que hacer mas? (What more can one do?), Plate 33 of

Qué hai que hacer mas? (What more can one do?), Plate 33 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Por una nabaja (On account of a knife), Plate 34 of

Por una nabaja (On account of a knife), Plate 34 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Title Page

Title Page

Francisco José de Goya

Tampoco (Nor do these), Plate 10 of

Tampoco (Nor do these), Plate 10 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Para eso habeis nacido (This is what you were born for), Plate 12 of

Para eso habeis nacido (This is what you were born for), Plate 12 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Populacho (Rabble), Plate 28 of

Populacho (Rabble), Plate 28 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Esto es peor (This is worse), Plate 37 of

Esto es peor (This is worse), Plate 37 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Grande Hazaña! Con Muertos! (Great deeds - against the dead!), Plate 39 of

Grande Hazaña! Con Muertos! (Great deeds – against the dead!), Plate 39 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Lo peor es pedir (The worst is to beg), Plate 55 of

Lo peor es pedir (The worst is to beg), Plate 55 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Disparate Femenino (Feminine folly)

Disparate Femenino (Feminine folly)

Francisco José de Goya

Disparate Claro (Clear folly)

Disparate Claro (Clear folly)

Francisco José de Goya

Con razon o sin ella (With or without reason), Plate 2 of

Con razon o sin ella (With or without reason), Plate 2 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Las mugeres dan valor (The women give courage), Plate 4 of

Las mugeres dan valor (The women give courage), Plate 4 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Curarlos, y á otra (Get them well, and on to the next), Plate 20 of

Curarlos, y á otra (Get them well, and on to the next), Plate 20 of “The Disasters of War”, 1863

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Murío la verdad (Truth has died), Plate 79 of

Murío la verdad (Truth has died), Plate 79 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Disparate alegre (Merry folly)

Disparate alegre (Merry folly)

Francisco José de Goya

Title Page: English translation of

Title Page: English translation of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Y no hai remedio (And it can't be helped), Plate 15 of

Y no hai remedio (And it can’t be helped), Plate 15 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Por Qué? (Why?), Plate 32 of

Por Qué? (Why?), Plate 32 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Gracias á la almorta (Thanks to the millet), Plate 51 of

Gracias á la almorta (Thanks to the millet), Plate 51 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando



Francisco José de Goya



Francisco José de Goya

Duro es el Paso! (It's a hard step), Plate 14 of

Duro es el Paso! (It’s a hard step), Plate 14 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Será lo mismo (It will be the same), Plate 21 of

Será lo mismo (It will be the same), Plate 21 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

No se puede saber por qué (Nobody knows why), Plate 35 of

No se puede saber por qué (Nobody knows why), Plate 35 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Si resucitará? (Will she live again?), Plate 80 of

Si resucitará? (Will she live again?), Plate 80 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

No llegan á tiempo (They do not arrive in time), Plate 52 of

No llegan á tiempo (They do not arrive in time), Plate 52 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

No se convienen (They do not agree), Plate 17 of

No se convienen (They do not agree), Plate 17 of “The Disasters of War”

Francisco José de Goya, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

Disparate Volante (Flying folly)

Disparate Volante (Flying folly)

Francisco José de Goya

Andalusian Smuggler, with Bull, after Goya (?)

Andalusian Smuggler, with Bull, after Goya (?)

Attributed to Francisco José de Goya