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Camera Work, No. 44
Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Steichen, Alfred Stieglitz, Anne W. Brigman, Abraham Walkowitz
Paul Robeson as “The Emperor Jones,” New York, from the portfolio Twenty-Five Photographs
Edward Steichen, George A. Tice
Carl Sandburg, Umpawaug, Connecticut, from the portfolio Twenty-Five Photographs
Edward Steichen, George A. Tice
Life mask of Abraham Lincoln, New York, from the portfolio Twenty-Five Photographs
Edward Steichen, George A. Tice
Sunday night, 40th Street, New York, from the portfolio Twenty-Five Photographs
Edward Steichen, George A. Tice
Brancusi, Voulangis, France, from the portfolio Twenty-Five Photographs
Edward Steichen, George A. Tice
Autumnal Afternoon-The Poplars, Voulangis, Plate XVI from Camera Work, No. 42/43 (April/July 1913)
Edward Steichen
Nocture-Hydrangeo Terrace, Chateau Ledoux, Plate XV from Camera Work, No. 42/43 (April/July, 1913)
Edward Steichen
Self-Portrait with photographic paraphenalia, New York, from the portfolio Twenty-Five Photographs
Edward Steichen, George A. Tice
Camera Work, No. 15
Alfred Stieglitz, Alvin Langdon Coburn, Edward Steichen, George Henry Seeley, George Bernard Shaw