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Sharecropper Lonnie Fair and his family walking to Sunday school and church, Mississippi
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Dr. Goebbels (center) just before broadcasting at the Geneva Conference talking with two collaborators
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Untitled from A LIFE Portfolio: Brooklyn Bridge, Photographed for its 100th Anniversary
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Untitled from A LIFE Portfolio: Brooklyn Bridge, Photographed for its 100th Anniversary
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Untitled from A LIFE Portfolio: Brooklyn Bridge, Photographed for its 100th Anniversary
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Propaganda secretary Dr. Joseph Goebbels of Nazi Germany at the 14th League of Nations Meeting at Geneva
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Untitled from A LIFE Portfolio: Brooklyn Bridge, Photographed for its 100th Anniversary
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Untitled from A LIFE Portfolio: Brooklyn Bridge, Photographed for its 100th Anniversary
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Woman waving flag to stop cars for the workers’ safety on the roadside of the WPA Project, Birmingham, Alabama
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Untitled from A LIFE Portfolio: Brooklyn Bridge, Photographed for its 100th Anniversary
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Untitled from A LIFE Portfolio: Brooklyn Bridge, Photographed for its 100th Anniversary
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Untitled from A LIFE Portfolio: Brooklyn Bridge, Photographed for its 100th Anniversary
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Untitled from A LIFE Portfolio: Brooklyn Bridge, Photographed for its 100th Anniversary
Alfred Eisenstaedt
Untitled from A LIFE Portfolio: Brooklyn Bridge, Photographed for its 100th Anniversary
Alfred Eisenstaedt