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Guanacaste-Nicoya (Costa Rica) Llama Head Effigy Vessel Chimu (Peru) Double-chambered Whistling Pot Chimu (Peru) Stirrup-spout Fish Effigy Bottle Moche (Peru) Polychrome Lizard Bowl Mexico Figurine mold Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Female standing figure Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Cylinder seal Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Human effigy whistle Ecuador, Guangala culture Wide-rimmed vessel Manteno (Ecuador) Shallow incised bowl Manteno (Ecuador) String of fifty spindle whorls Manteno (Ecuador) String of forty-two spindle whorls Manteno (Ecuador) String of sixty-three spindle whorls Manteno (Ecuador) String of beads Manteno (Ecuador) Head whistle Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Resist-painted monkey jar Piartal (Ecuador) Footed bowl (“compotera”) Capuli/Tuncahuan/Carchi Province (Ecuador) Miniature frog effigy vessel Piartal (Ecuador) Whistle in the form of a fish amulet Manteno (Ecuador) Bird amulet (“danzante”) La Tolita (Ecuador) Animal head fragment Thomas Carroll Owl amulet Unknown Head effigy whistle South America Head fragment Unknown Figurine head fragment Central America Mammiform foot-form polypod bowl Bahia (Ecuador) Shallow, flat-rimmed tetrapod bowl La Tolita (Ecuador) Masturbating male effigy vessel Manteno (Ecuador) Seated male effigy whistle Ecuador, Guangala culture Ornamental axe Manteno (Ecuador) Stamp seal Unknown Nose ring Manteno (Ecuador) Nose Ring Manteno (Ecuador) Coiled snake amulet Milagro/Quevedo (Ecuador) Elongated head fragment La Tolita (Ecuador) Mask fragment La Tolita (Ecuador) Kneeling female figure Ecuador, Guangala culture Head fragment Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Cylinder seal Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Cylinder seal Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Stamp seal Manteno (Ecuador) Round amulet Bahia (Ecuador) Conical paccha with three figures Cara/Panzaleo (Ecuador) Footed conical bowl (“compotera”) Tuza/Cuasmal (Ecuador) Head rest Chorrera (Ecuador) Stamp seal Manteno (Ecuador) Standing musician figurine Jama-Coaque or La Tolita (Ecuador) Necklace of ninety-eight spindle whorls Manteno (Ecuador) Kneeling warrior effigy vessel Moche (Peru) Globular jar with fishing scene Huaylas/Santa (Peru) Tetrapod polychrome bowl Maya (Honduras) Duck effigy bowl Maya (Honduras) Earring Sinu (Colombia) Anthropomorphic Jar Moche (Peru) “Mythical being” polychrome bowl Nazca (Peru) Standing helmeted figure Chorrera (Ecuador) Standing hermaphrodite figure Chorrera (Ecuador) Standing female figure Chorrera (Ecuador) Bridge-spouted vessel with bird whistle Chorrera (Ecuador) Two-tiered stirrup vessel Chorrera (Ecuador) Footed bat bowl Chorrera (Ecuador) Footed bat bowl Chorrera (Ecuador) Human effigy whistle La Tolita (Ecuador) Miniature snarling feline effigy vessel La Tolita (Ecuador) Whistle in the form of a standing musician Ecuador, Guangala culture Miniature headless human effigy jar Capuli/Tuncahuan, Carchi Province (Ecuador) Seated male Coquero Capuli (Ecuador) Seated female Coquero Capuli (Ecuador) Footed shallow bowl (“compotera”) Piertal/Carchi (Ecuador) Small footed bowl (“compotera”) Piertal/Carchi (Ecuador) Footed conical bowl (“compotera”) Tuza/Cuasmal (Ecuador) Face neck funerary urn Puruha (Ecuador) Anthropomorphic funerary urn Puruha (Ecuador) Face neck funerary urn Purhua/Chimborazo Province (Ecuador) Standing fanged figure La Tolita (Ecuador) Standing hermaphrodite figure Ecuador, Guangala culture Standing female figure Ecuador, Guangala culture Square platform with well Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Seated personage Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Cylinder seal Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Stamp seal Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Stamp seal Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Seated person chewing coca (“Coquero”) Capuli (Ecuador) Footed bowl (“compotera”) Piertal/Carchi (Ecuador) Bird whistle Manteno (Ecuador) Seated female figurine Jama-Coaque (Ecuador) Axe head Unknown Cylinder stamp Ecuador Axe head Ecuador Fanged monster feline bottle Paracas (Peru) Cup with trophy heads Nazca (Peru) Bridge-spouted polychrome vessel Nazca Phase III (Peru) Polychrome cup (“quero”) Wari (Peru) Seated male figure Guanacaste-Nicoya (Costa Rica) Zoomorphic stamp seal Manteno (Ecuador) Stamp seal Ecuador Zoomorphic roller stamp Manteno (Ecuador) Load More