HomepageCollectionsSearch Result Search Result Discover Our Collection Filter By Select a filter to reload search results Asia and Pacific Reset Filters Asia and Pacific Classification Geographic Location Date/Era Artworks With Image Filter: Classification Albums Architecture Armor Artifacts Audio Calligraphy Ceramics Collage Costume Decorative Arts Drawings Ephemera Lithographic stones Manuscripts Metalwork Mixed Media Mosaics Paintings Photographs Portfolios Posters Printing blocks Prints Publications Puppets Reproductions Sculpture Stencils Textiles Video Apply Filters Filter: Geographic Location Africa Asia and Pacific Australia, New Guinea, and New Zealand Continent of origin undetermined Europe North America South America Native North American Pre-Columbian World Gems Works on Paper Apply Filters Filter: Date/Era to 2000 BC Present Showing 10,416 Works Asia and Pacific Reset Filters Beaker (zun) China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Water dropper (he) China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Jar (guan) with stamped patterns China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Jar (guan) with impressed basketweave design China, Zhejiang, Jiangsu or Jiangxi province Cup with cloth-impressed pattern China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Tripod jar with mesh-impressed designs China, Zhejiang, Jiangsu or Jiangxi province Small jars with mesh-impressed designs China, Zhejiang, Jiangsu or Jiangxi province Jar with ring handles China, Zhejiang province Covered vessel with bird finial China, Zhejiang province Pair of mat weights China, Zhejiang province He with animal-head spout China, Zhejiang or Jiangxi province Mingqi bell of bo type China, Zhejiang province Pair of tripod cups China, Zhejiang province Beehive-shaped tripod jar with spiral designs China, Zhejiang province Tripod vessel with cylindrical neck China, Zhejiang province Cup with curved handle China, Zhejiang province You wine vessel China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Covered footed bowl (dou) China, Henan province Pair of hu China, Hubei or Henan province Vessel with duck-head spout Northern China Tripod he in the form of a flying goose China, Hebei province (?) Tomb figure of a pig China, Shaanxi province Jar with seashell pattern Southern China Bottle vase Southern China Double handled vase China, Sichuan province, Lifan culture Jar with rope handles China, Zhejiang province Tripod covered jar (pou) with taotie mask handles China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Hu with design of fish and birds China, Zhejiang province Tripod cylindrical jar with design of stylized birds China, Zhejiang province Hu with ribbed decoration China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Footed basin China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Vessel in the form of an owl Southern China Flask China, Shaanxi or Henan province Well-head China, Henan or Hebei province Cup China, Henan province Pen cooking vessel China, Henan province Jar China, Zhejiang province Jar China, Zhejiang province Coupe with mask and ring designs China, Zhejiang province Brush washer in the form of a turtle China, Zhejiang province Ink stand with cover China, Zhejiang province Censer with basin, Yue ware China, Zhejiang province Lamp China, Zhejiang province Hunping funerary jar, Yue ware China, Zhejiang province Lamp China, Zhejiang province Jar Korea Candlestand in the form of a qilin China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Recumbent Bactrian camel Northern China Jar with loop handles Northern China Bottle Northern China Small Censer or Handwarmer Northern China Tomb figure of a court lady holding a bird China, Shaanxi or Henan province Pair of bowls, Changsha ware China, Hunan province, Tongguan kilns Ewer with design of bird and lotus, Changsha ware China, Hunan province, Tongguan kilns Squat ewer with striped design, Changsha ware China, Hunan province, Tongguan kilns Jar China Lobed jarlet China Vase China, Zhejiang province Ewer with lotus designs, Yue ware China, Zhejiang province Water dropper in the form of a peach or lotus bud, Yue-type ware China, Zhejiang province Votive tile with design of seated Buddhas China, Shaanxi province Bowl with incised designs of lotus, Longquan ware China, Longquan kilns, Zhejiang province Covered circular box, Longquan ware China, Zhejiang province Parrot-head or phoenix-head ewer China, Zhejiang province Bowl, Longquan ware China, Zhejiang province, Longquan kilns Batik tulis (sarita) Indonesia, Sulawesi (Toraja) Satta Great Wave: Fuji from the Sea of Satta, from the series 36 Views of Fuji Utagawa Hiroshige Tea caddy China Oval atop a Cosmos Ball (Peter Norton Family Christmas Project) Takashi Murakami Untitled (vase with molded human hands) Do-Ho Suh Independence Monument and S21 Prisoners Leang Seckon Plate with design of a Dutch couple in a garden China Youth with an incense burner Iran, Safavid period Ganesha Cambodia Global Groove Nam June Paik, John J. Godfrey Qur’an bifolium Yemen; Rasulid period (1229-1454) Torii at Nikko Tamamura Kozaburo [Geisha receiving singing instructions] Kusakabe Kimbei [Nara, pagoda near Sarusawa Park] Japan [Girl] Baron Raimund von Stillfried Page from a Ramayana: Rama’s Army Attacks Ravana’s Demon Army India Tile with design of elephant warriors from the army of Mara Burma Rockin’ Syed Ahmad Jamal Guanyin and Longnu, from an album of twenty-four portraits of Guanyin Miss Qiu Tsong Khapa and attendants Tibet Illuminated cover and frontispiece from a Prajnaparamita manuscript Western Tibet, Guge Rock Climbing, from the series Dust in the Wind Yao Jui-chung The Waterless Shell (Minase-gai), from the series: The Poetry-Shell Matching Game of the Genroku Era Katsushika Hokusai Bijin Under Mosquito Net Isoda Koryusai Hoshin kakuryo mu ichibutsu (The Entire Dharma Body Has Not One Thing) Ryonen Genso Tea leaf storage jar, Shigaraki ware Japan, Shiga prefecture Bamboo and Peasant in Rain Yoshimoto Gesso Landscape after Li Cheng, from an album of Landscapes After Old Masters Huang Jun A Kabuki Actor Torii Kiyonaga, Koyonaga, Torii Courtesan Morokoshi from the Echizenya Ichirakutei Eisui Fuji from Riyogoku Utagawa Hiroshige Nihon Bridge After Snowfall (Nihonbashi Yuki Hare) Utagawa Hiroshige Gibbon attempting to catch the reflection of the moon Japan Suruga Hill in Edo, #3 from Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji Katsushika Hokusai Painting Exhibition at Ryogoku Tea House, from the series Thirty-six Views in the Eastern Capital Utagawa Hiroshige II Load More