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Tomb figure of a pig China, Shaanxi province Jar with seashell pattern Southern China Bottle vase Southern China Double handled vase China, Sichuan province, Lifan culture Jar with rope handles China, Zhejiang province Tripod covered jar (pou) with taotie mask handles China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Hu with design of fish and birds China, Zhejiang province Tripod cylindrical jar with design of stylized birds China, Zhejiang province Hu with ribbed decoration China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Footed basin China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Vessel in the form of an owl Southern China Flask China, Shaanxi or Henan province Well-head China, Henan or Hebei province Cup China, Henan province Pen cooking vessel China, Henan province Jar China, Zhejiang province Jar China, Zhejiang province Coupe with mask and ring designs China, Zhejiang province Brush washer in the form of a turtle China, Zhejiang province Ink stand with cover China, Zhejiang province Censer with basin, Yue ware China, Zhejiang province Lamp China, Zhejiang province Hunping funerary jar, Yue ware China, Zhejiang province Lamp China, Zhejiang province Jar Korea Candlestand in the form of a qilin China, Zhejiang or Jiangsu province Recumbent Bactrian camel Northern China Jar with loop handles Northern China Bottle Northern China Small Censer or Handwarmer Northern China Tomb figure of a court lady holding a bird China, Shaanxi or Henan province Pair of bowls, Changsha ware China, Hunan province, Tongguan kilns Ewer with design of bird and lotus, Changsha ware China, Hunan province, Tongguan kilns Squat ewer with striped design, Changsha ware China, Hunan province, Tongguan kilns Jar China Lobed jarlet China Vase China, Zhejiang province Ewer with lotus designs, Yue ware China, Zhejiang province Water dropper in the form of a peach or lotus bud, Yue-type ware China, Zhejiang province Votive tile with design of seated Buddhas China, Shaanxi province Bowl with incised designs of lotus, Longquan ware China, Longquan kilns, Zhejiang province Covered circular box, Longquan ware China, Zhejiang province Parrot-head or phoenix-head ewer China, Zhejiang province Bowl, Longquan ware China, Zhejiang province, Longquan kilns Street in Biskra Louis Michel Eilshemius Leda John Kane Woman’s head Inez Nathaniel Walker Lake Geneva, Switzerland Louis Michel Eilshemius Nude in Woods Louis Michel Eilshemius Mt. Pikes Peak Joseph E. Yoakum Nymphs at Sunset Louis Michel Eilshemius A View of Pleasure Bend Joseph E. Yoakum Nude in Tree Louis Michel Eilshemius Tiles with scene of people, sheep, and flora Clara K. Seley Bird St. Pierre Toussaint Man, woman, child Jasmin Joseph Chicken Sisson Blanchard Dispensaire Cap-Haitien Antoine Obin Winged goat or bovine figure with seven birds sprouting from body Lionel St. Eloi Untitled (tree form with double-faced human head, foot, hand, and other forms) Haiti Mother and child Haiti Untitled [mythological animal figure] Haiti Untitled Haiti Untitled [standing figure with hat] Haiti Andrew Jackson Zuka Steel Farm III John Kane Two Figures Clara K. Seley Christ under fruit tree Jasmin Joseph La Famille Obin Sully Obin Howling Wolf Rev. Howard Finster Santa Rev. Howard Finster Vision of George Washington Rev. Howard Finster Primeval Mouse Robert Arthur Goodnough Cat in Town Thornton Dial, Sr. The Catfish Head Thornton Dial, Sr. Lady Wondering About the Long-Necked Goose Thornton Dial, Sr. Fishing for Love Thornton Dial, Sr. Lady Holds the Rooster Thornton Dial, Sr. Primeval Cat Robert Arthur Goodnough Load More