Join us for a conversation about Arthur Jafa’s Love is the Message, The Message is Death, a video work that explores Black identity, history, and culture in America. The exhibition will remain open before the program begins in order to give visitors opportunities to view the work, which has a short running time of 7:25 minutes. Following the conversation, visitors are welcome at a reception in the Hirsch Lecture Lobby.
For the conversation, moderator Dr. Samantha Sheppard, associate professor of Cinema and Media Studies and chair in the Department of Performing and Media Arts, will be joined by Dr. Ambre Dromgoole, assistant professor of Africana religions and music in the Africana Studies & Research Center, and Dr. Victoria Netanus Xaka, assistant professor in the Department of Music. Each will offer their unique perspectives on this seminal work, their approaches to teaching with the themes it raises, and how art like Love is the Message, The Message is Death intersects with and animates traditions of both image and sound.
This program is supported in part by the Findley Lecture Endowment.